Sometimes you just need a healthy quick meal. These 500-calorie meals are delicious, nutritious, and great for maintaining a calorie deficit.
Do you want to lose weight? Then it's important to watch your calories.
But low-calorie meals can be a bit bland. No matter how good you want to look in a bathing suit, eating bland food just won't cut it.
So today, I’m sharing 20 delicious 500 calorie meals. Not only are they low in calories, they taste great too.
So you can actually have your cake and have it at the same time.

- 463 calories
Chicken Breast Salad
one apple
brown rice
A cup of yogurt

- 500 calories
smoked salmon
caesar salad
- 441 calories
Black pepper shrimp and cucumber
Stir-fried vegetarian dishes
steamed corn
One cup of soy milk
- 484 calories
Red bean and barley porridge
Colorful pepper eggs
Stir-fried yam
Half a dragon fruit

- 460 calories
Beef brisket stewed with tomatoes
millet porridge
Half a Sydney pear
- 494 calories
Whole wheat bread
Pan-fried slice of ham
a glass of milk
- 495 calories
Pan fried salmon
cereal cereal
A few almonds
a banana
- 435 calories
Udon noodles
seaweed soup
Sautéed Broccoli
mashed potatoes
- 495 calories
One fried egg
oatmeal salad
purple sweet potato
One orange
- 479 calories
Green vegetables
one apple
- 450 calories
Chicken Breast Fried Rice
green salad
One mangosteen
- 467 calories
Shrimp noodles
One corn
Whole wheat steamed buns
half cup of milk
- 490 calories
Pan-fried veal steak
Whole grain rice
Green Bean Salad
Half a cup of yogurt
- 432 calories
Chicken, Kale and Squash Salad
Beef fried rice
Tofu soup
a banana
- 478 calories
Easy Vegetable Fajitas
Roast Pork Tenderloin
vegetable juice
1 cup sliced strawberries
- 422 calories
Egg, Spinach and Portobello Breakfast Sandwich
1/2 cup baked yam
1/2 cup sliced pears
- 493 calories
Indian Sweet Potato Edamame Stew
Autumn Spinach Salad
1/2 cup honeydew melon

- 500 calories
Chia Seed Crusted Fish
Paleo Roasted Spaghetti Squash
Steamed Broccoli Florets
- 457 calories
Mexican Turkey Soup
oatmeal salad
1 cup diced mango
- 486 calories
Indian Sweet Potato Edamame Stew
Autumn Spinach Salad
1/2 cup honeydew melon