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Popularization of financial knowledge related to banks, warrants, Hong Kong stocks, foreign exchange, gold, futures, options, trusts, etc


Causes Of Exchange Rate Generation

Importers and exporters pay one currency when they import goods and receive another currency when they export them.

The Basic Components Of The Gold Market

The gold market is a place for gold producers and suppliers to trade with demanders.

Types Of Gold

Gold in nature is a natural product that exists in a free state and cannot be synthesized. According to its source of different and refining the content of different into raw gold and cooked gold and so on.Gold in nature is a natural product that exists in a free state and cannot be synthesized. According to its source of different and refining the content of different into raw gold and cooked gold and so on. Raw gold is also known as natural gold, barren gold, raw gold, is the object of cooked gold, from the mine or river bottom alluvium mining without melting refining of gold. Raw gold is divided into mine gold and sand gold two kinds. Mineral gold, also known as alloy gold, produced in the mine, gold mine, mostly with the underground gushing out of the hot spring through the rock of the seam fine and precipitation accumulation, often with quartz sandwiched in the crevices of the rock. Most of the mine gold and other metal companion, which in addition to gold and silver, platinum,

The Historical Development Trajectory Of The International Gold Market

The Historical Development Trajectory Of The International Gold Market

The International Gold Market

The gold market is a trading center where buyers and sellers concentrate on buying and selling gold, providing spot and forward transactions, allowing traders to carry out physical transactions or options futures trading to speculate or hedge, is an important part of the complete financial market system of each country.

Stock Index Futures Trading Strategies - Speculative Trading

Speculation is the act of buying and selling to take advantage of market spreads to make a profit based on a judgement of the market.

What Are the Aspects of Fundamental Analysis in Forex Trading?

Forex trading is all about two main aspects when it comes to analysis, fundamental analysis and technical analysis. Both levels of analysis are indispensable, with fundamental analysis including the following factors.

Introduction To Forex Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is the study of the core elements that affect a country's economy and the movement of its currency exchange rate.

Forex Operating Principles

The only way to make consistent profits is to keep your mistakes to a minimum. Keeping the following points in mind will help to help you make steady profits over time and reduce the risks involved in forex.

The Main Types of World Gold Prices

There are currently three main types of gold price in the world: the market price, the production price and the quasi-official price. All other types of gold prices are derived from them.